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How to Create Golang Map of Struct

A Golang map is an unordered collection of key-value pairs. The key can be of any type, including struct. You can create a golang map of the struct as keys.

You can create a map in golang using the below syntax:


A structure or struct in Golang is a user-defined type that contains fields of different types into a single type.

You can create struct in golang using the below syntax:

type Employee struct{
    name string
    Empid int

In this article, we will discuss how to use struct as keys in the golang map.

How to Use Struct as Map Keys in Golang

To use struct as map keys in the golang program, create a structure and implement a structure as keys in a map.

package main

import (

// declare a struct
type Employee struct {
	Empid  int
	Name   string
	Salary float64

func main() {

	// Create struct instance

	e1 := Employee{Empid: 1, Name: "Alex", Salary: 2500}
	e2 := Employee{Empid: 2, Name: "Gary", Salary: 2850}
	e3 := Employee{Empid: 3, Name: "Dave", Salary: 4500}

	// Intialize map with struct as keys

	var emp_map = map[Employee]int{e1: 1, e2: 2, e3: 3}

The output of the above golang structure as keys in the map is:

map[{1 Alex 2500}:1 {2 Gary 2850}:2 {3 Dave 4500}:3]

To build a golang map of the struct, follow the below steps:

  1. Create a structure e.g. Employee
  2. Create struct instance
  3. Create and initialize the map with struct as keys e.g. map[Employee]int{e1:1,e2:2}
  4. In the map, a struct is used as a key type, and structure instances are used as a Value type.
  5. Print the map

Cool Tip: How to find map length in Golang!


I hope the above article to create a golang map of the struct as keys are helpful to you.

You can find more topics about the Golang tutorials on the GolangSpot Home page.

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