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Split String by Character in Golang

Use the Golang strings.Split() to split the string by character using a specified delimiter character. It split a string by a character and returns the slice of substrings.


func Split(s, sep string) []string


s = given string

sep = is the delimiter

Returns string array.

In this article, we will discuss how to use strings.Split() function in golang to split a string by character.

Golang Split String by Character using strings.Split()

Golang strings package has a built-in Split method that takes two arguments; a string and a character as delimiter to split a string.

package main

import (

func main() {

	// Split by character !
	s1 := strings.Split("Hello!Welcome to Golang", "!")
	fmt.Println("The length of the slice is:", len(s1))

	// Split by character s
	s2 := strings.Split("package", "a")
	fmt.Println("The length of the slice is:", len(s2))

In the above golang program, it imports strings package to use Split function and fmt package.

Golang strings Split function takes 2 arguments:

  1. string
  2. delimiter ( in our example its character)

In the first example, strings.Split() function split a string by character ! and returns a slice of substrings ( string array).

In the second example, the Split() function split a string by character a and returns a string array.

The output of the above golang program to split a string by character is:

[Hello Welcome to Golang]
The length of the slice is: 2

[p ck ge]
The length of the slice is: 3

Cool Tip: How to split string by whitespace in Golang!


I hope the above article on how to split a string by character in golang is helpful to you.

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