Home » Golang String EqualFold() function

Golang String EqualFold() function

EqualFold() function in the Golang strings package is used to check if two strings are equal. It returns a true value if two strings are equal else false. Here strings are interpreted as UTF-8 strings and comparison is performed under Unicode case-folding.

The string comparison using the EqualFold() function is not case-sensitive.

EqualFold() Syntax

The syntax for EqualFold() function is:

func EqualFold(s1, s2 string) bool

EqualFold() Parameters:

The EqualFold() function take two parameters

s1 is the string
s2 is the string

EqualFold() Return Value

The strings package EqualFold() function returns a true value if both strings are equal else false.

Let’s understand the string package EqualFold() method with examples.

strings.EqualFold() function to check if two strings are equal in Go

The following go program checks if two strings are equal using the strings.EqualFold() function.

package main

import (

func main() {
        // Check if two strings are matches with each other. Comparision is not case-sensitive
	fmt.Println(strings.EqualFold("GolangSpot", "GoLangSpot"))
	fmt.Println(strings.EqualFold("AreStringsMatch", "arestringsmatch"))

The output of the string comparison using the EqualFold() in go are:


In the above program,

The first output returns the true value as both strings are matched with each other and are equal. The comparison is not case-sensitive.

The second output returns the true value as both strings are equal. Both strings are interpreted as UTF-8 strings and comparison is done under Unicode case-folding.

Cool Tip: How to use the string Count function in Golang!


I hope the above article on the EqualFold() method to find if two strings are equal or not and return a boolean value is helpful to you.

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