Home » Max Value of Int type and Min Value of Int in Golang

Max Value of Int type and Min Value of Int in Golang

To get the max value of integer type and min value of int type in golang:

  • Use and import the math package
  • math package has constants for integer limit values.
  • Use math.MaxInt64 to get the max int64 value which is 9223372036854775807
  • math constants for max and min values are available for different integer types like MaxInt, MinInt, MaxInt8, MinInt8, MaxInt16, MinInt16, MaxInt32, MinInt32, MaxInt64, MinInt64 etc…

Refer to the following table to get maximum and minimum values for the integer types in golang.

ConstantValueInteger Value
MaxInt1<<(intSize-1) – 19223372036854775807
MinInt-1 << (intSize – 1)-9223372036854775808
MaxInt81<<7 – 1127
MinInt8-1 << 7-128
MaxInt161<<15 – 132767
MinInt16-1 << 15-32768
MaxInt321<<31 – 12147483647
MinInt32-1 << 31-2147483648
MaxInt641<<63 – 19223372036854775807
MinInt64-1 << 63-9223372036854775808
MaxUint1<<intSize – 118446744073709551615
MaxUint81<<8 – 1255
MaxUint161<<16 – 165535
MaxUint321<<32 – 14294967295
MaxUint641<<64 – 118446744073709551615
Golang Max Int value and Min int value

In this article, we will discuss max int type values in golang, min int values, and how to get math constants min, and maximum integer values in the golang program.

How to Get Maximum and Minimum Values of Integer Types in Golang

To get the max and min values of int types in golang, refer to the following golang program.

package main

import (

func main() {

	// MaxInt
	fmt.Printf("MaxInt max value: %d\n", math.MaxInt)

	// MinInt
	fmt.Printf("MinInt min value: %d\n", math.MinInt)

	// MaxInt8
	fmt.Printf("MaxInt8 max value: %d\n", math.MaxInt8)

	// MinInt8
	fmt.Printf("MinInt8 min value: %d\n", math.MinInt8)

	// MaxInt16
	fmt.Printf("MaxInt16 max value: %d\n", math.MaxInt16)

	// MinInt16
	fmt.Printf("MinInt16 min value: %d\n", math.MinInt16)

	// MaxInt32
	fmt.Printf("MaxInt32 max value: %d\n", math.MaxInt32)

	// MinInt32
	fmt.Printf("MinInt32 min value: %d\n", math.MinInt32)

	// MaxInt64
	fmt.Printf("MaxInt64 max value: %d\n", math.MaxInt64)

	// MinInt64
	fmt.Printf("MinInt64 min value: %d\n", math.MinInt64)

	// uint
	fmt.Printf("MaxUint max value: %d\n", uint(math.MaxUint))

	// MaxUint8
	fmt.Printf("MaxUint8 max value: %d\n", math.MaxUint8)

	// MaxUint16
	fmt.Printf("Maxint16 max value: %d\n", math.MaxUint16)

	// MaxUint32
	fmt.Printf("MaxUint32 max value: %d\n", math.MaxUint32)

	// MaxUint64
	fmt.Printf("MaxUint64 max value: %d\n", uint64(math.MaxUint64))


MaxInt max value: 9223372036854775807
MinInt min value: -9223372036854775808
MaxInt8 max value: 127
MinInt8 min value: -128
MaxInt16 max value: 32767
MinInt16 min value: -32768
MaxInt32 max value: 2147483647
MinInt32 min value: -2147483648
MaxInt64 max value: 9223372036854775807
MinInt64 min value: -9223372036854775808
MaxUint max value: 18446744073709551615
MaxUint8 max value: 255
Maxint16 max value: 65535
MaxUint32 max value: 4294967295
MaxUint64 max value: 18446744073709551615

In the above golang program, we import the math package and use the mathematical constant to get maximum and minimum int types values in go.


I hope the above article helped you to understand about max int type value in golang and minimum integer type values as well using the golang program.

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